Player webmaster posted a message on 28/01 11:09 on the ZooValley Forum: FREE GAMES: Modification of Points. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players - Page 2

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Subject :  FREE GAMES: Modification of Points
22/03/2013 10:37:11

Hello 🙋 thank you

fox_the_fox 😉 I would also like to

point out that every month we have thousands of members who play for free and to whom we send gifts! And we recently had a winner on Catch a Prize Gratuit who won a big Wire over 1000 Euros!

But of course, all this requires patience and the Prizes we send also correspond to what we can do.

Few sites can boast of having existed for 13 years and not having disappeared by taking with them the millions of Points their players had accumulated. With us, all the Points you earn keep them, even if you don't come for several years. And you can exchange them for Prizes, without drawing lots, and without shipping costs!

Good games!
The Web'.

Date of message edition 22/03/2013 10:37:37

21/03/2013 20:56:00

Hello everyone,
From my experience on several gaming sites, I learned not to wait to win anything but to have fun Play. I know that my financial investment will be used by the webmaster to maintain this site as well as possible and will allow me to Play a few years.
I would continue to invest because what I spend I know in advance that I can do it without it paying off, so I am never disappointed.
This only involves me, of course. To meditate on!

In any case, I hope I have helped the web a little bit, which must feel very lonely 😉

21/03/2013 19:13:54

Hello, I'm

sorry, but what's your question?

The Web'.

21/03/2013 09:54:21

a little answer from the webmasters?? I'm also about to leave the site when I've been playing for a month... Too bad! Too bad!

05/02/2013 07:10:35

In agreement with Ramilo I don't have the motivation to buy credits at least for the moment, but I found my solution, even if it's nothing in points, I've overcome it and I'm training for the Yam, little by little I'll get there = better Play. Then I'll see.
GOOD LUCK! as well as to other players

04/02/2013 20:38:49

my part, I'm stopping here, it's really no use Play anymore

thanks for this calculation 👏 I told myself
100 times that I was going to do it ... but!!!!


certainly!!! we are players who bring little or no money to the site, if we rarely buy credits.

But I think that advertisements are paid according to the number of connections and active members.

So even if you're a "cheap" player who doesn't buy credit, our presence increases the attendance percentages. 😂 I don't

have the audacity to ask for equality with the people who make webmasters live by buying credits, but at least DO NOT FOREIGN US under the pretext that we don't bring anySilver!!!!!!!!

02/02/2013 20:55:38

the new points allocations on these games are catastrophic, in addition it is sometimes almost impossible to go up levels reached a certain threshold!
at this rate it will take me years to earn a DVD at 2€ for my little girls, I will go buy it it it will go faster, I'm tired of MadWin !

02/02/2013 16:55:17

Everything has been done to justify the new allocation of points based on the difficulty of the level of play.
Good point!

02/02/2013 08:29:11

For my part, I'm stopping here, there's really no need to Play

01/02/2013 15:27:01

here is a not very pleasing

information yesterday for 9000 points on the game I won 225 madpoints
today for the same score I win 8 madpoints

fall and this without notice!!

! fairer!! certainly but very radical

Certainly better distribution, but in several years, the points have always been revised downwards and the lots always more expensive in points! so the interesting lots never accessible the time to have the good points, credit or not...

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