Player spiro178 posted a message on 20/10 02:26 on the ZooValley Forum: one or two that I '' 'appreciate .... Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  one or two that I '' 'appreciate ...
25/03/2008 14:21:16

"There are only two infinite things, the universe and human betissim... but for the universe, I don't have absolute certainty (Albert Einstein)" I like it!! human betissim has no limits

20/10/2007 02:26:30

Hello, hello, hello...

just for fun.....

- Happiness: feeling of well-being that can lead to recklessness... If you swim in happiness, be careful, stay where you are walking. (Marc Escayrol)

- ere are only two infinite things, the universe and human stupidity... but for the universe, I don't have absolute certainty (Albert Einstein)

uh a 3rd? yes... looool

- Criticism is a very convenient thing: you attack with a word, you need pages to defend yourself... (Jean Jacques Rousseau) Have a

good day... Good gamessssssssssss......

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