Player vanessalafolle posted a message on 03/09 19:08 on the ZooValley Forum: game: naval battle. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  game: naval battle
13/10/2007 09:58:51


I better understand my lollll problem, too bad nobody answered my post 😥 when I asked where the VIP games were because I didn't see them.
Indeed I clicked on a button in my vip status and returned to thehome page and I had no matter how hard I looked for these famous games, I couldn't find them

10/10/2007 12:58:54

chantjulia wrote: !hello it
is the same for me impossible to have access to the vip cuckoo games

having written

to madwin customer service, they told MadWin that the vip games no longer exist for the moment: p

05/10/2007 21:02:06

Good evening it's also the same for someone else could it help me please thank you

05/09/2007 17:34:26

hello it is the same for me impossible to have access to the vip games

03/09/2007 19:08:16


I am writing to you because it is impossible for me to Play naval battle (already to regain the status "vip" is a little hard with this new design of the game, whereas before it was in tab, easier access).
Dionc I click on "naval battle" and it redirects me to the home page of the site.
Normal or bug?!?!?
There you go,
Thank you in advance


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