Player pop50 posted a message on 22/02 00:46 on the ZooValley Forum: To Cricri04. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  To Cricri04
22/02/2010 21:13:06

Hello Claudie!!!

Be careful Hercules did not reveal 80% of the grid to me... if you follow theaccount history correctly, you will account that I first clicked on about thirty chests, then Hercules followed suit by clicking on about forty chests) while I was still Play, then stopped. And finally, little by little, I unveiled the last chests... including the one containing the saving crown.

For the record (I hate not knowing where the Loot was), the crown was in the vase with a spout at the very top left..... quite the opposite of where it had been until then!

Don't worry about the Prizes... when you take off the DVDs, there's not much left!!! and for the rest it will make happy people in my family 😉 I

thank you for this great support, and I can only wish you the same thing in turn!!Turn

I give you big kisses!!


22/02/2010 00:46:32

My warmest congratulations!
Congrats for this win, Hercules must regret having revealed 80% of grid 11 to you, I followed this duel with a lot of adrenaline!
If you have too many Prizes, think of us! or Hercules!

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