Player nutyboy posted a message on 19/02 19:36 on the ZooValley Forum: For the New Player Madwinner:) :) :). Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  For the New Player Madwinner:) :) :)
19/02/2004 19:37:04

well, that's basically it:)

19/02/2004 19:36:25

My carrot wanted a very small rabbit,

In order to be bitten by small
But not finding it, it was
very early in the morning,
that it failed
me, by the outgoing door.

I learned
from my neighbour that she had taken the
train, looking
for her rodent further
than my living room,

miss my carrot and I would go tomorrow,
a rabbit, small, for my house,
my carrot then will come back,

And be bitten she will tell,

Her distant journey, her beautiful
While I would eat jam


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