Player misscacahuete posted a message on 21/03 17:21 on the ZooValley Forum: free challenges. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  free challenges
26/03/2007 23:16:15

100% agree with you for free challenges, it would spice up the Rounds.

21/03/2007 17:21:04

why not set up a system of free challenges without credits, which would take for example 2 or 3 free rounds at once like the challenges, with maybe less important winnings..
. the challenge games are more varied than the challenges or we can only choose between hippo bool and bubble monkey!
at least it would spice up the game to know that we will face a madwinnian Opponent.
for the wins we can imagine winning 15% of the Opponent's current points! ( as for sponsorships). Well, I think I'm getting excited! But think about it!
What do you think?

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