Player misscacahuete posted a message on 15/05 14:41 on the ZooValley Forum: misscacahuete re-survey. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players
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misscacahuete wrote: : thank you 1loup2 , it was an image in relation to blood! obviously I can't see myself biting my patients! you imagine their heads! and if you want me to sting you it will be necessary to come to Belgium, I will be happy to sting the little French!
Hello, miss....................
That's an interesting proposal!
If all the French MadWin players come to your house I can't imagine the work it will generate for you (laughs)
thank you 1loup2, it was an image in relation to blood! obviously I can't see myself biting my patients! you imagine their heads! and if you want me to sting you you will have to come to Belgium, I will be happy to sting the French children!
misscacahuete wrote: I see that it doesn't move anymore bcp on the forum!!!! So here's a new subject to get to know each other better: WHAT TO EXERCISE YOU? I'm a nurse in a medical analysis laboratory, I prick, I prick, I prick, and I prick, a real little dracula!!!! And what are you doing? I didn't know dracula stung! We learn something new every day. Well, I'm willing to be stung, miss........... Good evening 🌹
I see that it doesn't move anymore bcp on the forum!!!!! So here's a new subject to get to know each other better: WHAT TO EXERCISE YOU? I'm a nurse in a medical analysis laboratory, I prick, I prick, I prick, and I prick, a real little dracula!!!! And what are you doing?