Player lalili59 posted a message on 07/10 18:05 on the ZooValley Forum: Transfer of points. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Transfer of points
07/10/2010 18:05:08

Why not set up the system of earned points, as you can do on MadLotto; that is to say, transfer your points from one site to another in order to accumulate faster and choose bigger Prizes, you have the choice for MadLotto ,it would be great,Have a good evening

19/10/2010 19:28:53

Be careful lapink... don't forget that you are only allowed to Play Cash cube on one of your accounts per day πŸ˜‰

18/10/2010 16:04:45

πŸ™‹ Webmaster Thank

you for your answer. 🌹 By the

way, I forgot to mention cash cube. I find it annoying to change labyrinths when you change sites. Personally, it makes me Play on 3 different labyrinths since I Recharge on the three sites, I would have preferred to find the same game board on the three sites, with my counter in the same place. So, for the moment, I'm playing cash cube exclusively on MadWin but, it's a real shame.

However, the advantage of this game, unlike Baraka, is that the banner to get there is everywhere and not just on thehome page. The decoration is perfect. Congrats the whole team.πŸ™y): And,

thank you for your gesture following the launch of this game. πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ˜‚ See you soon πŸ™‹

18/10/2010 10:02:12

Hello πŸ™‹ no

indeed I will not hold it against you, quite the contrary! We are always interested in criticism, as long as it is expressed with respect, which is the case here, so no worries!

The sharing of Sweepstakes is certainly easier for us, as you say. I understand that for some players this is seen as a disadvantage... Nothing is ever definitive, but we do not currently plan to distinguish them by site!

The Web'.

16/10/2010 20:04:43

πŸ™‹ Good evening Lapinkausangvert!

It's not a shout in itself, more a way of saying what you think!
At least the idea has been put forward and if that is not possible, then so be it.
The web' won't hold it against you, I'm sure! 🀑 For

the raffleSweepstake agree nor disagree with you.
Let's wait until next week for the changes.
Maybe you'll have a better chance of winning the screwdriver kit! πŸ˜‚ Good

Good luck to all of you! 🍸

16/10/2010 16:05:32

Yes, yes, yes, yes raphi62200, you're absolutely right. My reasoning did not take into account the economic aspect of credit purchases. What was I thinking?

Well, come on, I'll continue with a little "yell". So, Male Web', you say that it is not possible to transfer these points from one account to another, that's OK. But, in this case, I don't think it's normal for the window Sweepstakes to bring together all the players from the Dream sites. Logically, and I insist on the word, MadWin should have his own draws Sweepstake with his players. Same for CadoVillage, QuoVerbis,... It seems to me (well, it's a personal opinion, so maybe not fiableπŸ˜€) that Madgames attracts a lot of new players who didn't know the Dream (and that's good, by the way) but they too have access to the Sweepstakes windowsSweepstakes it's the same windows as Madwin MadWin others. So, I think it's a shame because it leaves less chance to those who only play on one site (which is not my case, I admit). πŸ˜₯

Now, I understand that, for you, it would be a huge extra work. 😢 But, well, well..

. πŸ˜‚ Well, I hope

that the Web' will not hold it against me (if my message is understood because it is not easy to explain!).

Uh, I hope that raphi62200 and lalili59, you will agree with me because I feel very lonely after pushing my little "piss"πŸ˜” . Have a good weekend together and good luck at tousπŸ˜‚

15/10/2010 18:39:32

Good evening Lalili and La pink with green blood! πŸ™‹ It would

certainly be great to be able to transfer πŸ˜‚ !

As you say, Lapinkausangvert, with 8 million MP, 2 Prizes at 3 and 5 million (the calculation is good, I checked with my calculator 🀑) it comes back to the same, but in this case you can buy the 2 Prizes each site.

On the other hand, the economic aspect underlined by the Web' is the case where with the Accumulative, you choose a single more interesting prize (by keeping the MPs on each site you need more time, so buy more credits... more economically interesting for the Dream πŸ˜‚!) On the

other hand what is good is the dreamcard DreamCard quand le changement Web' ?) Good

evening to both! and good Prizes 🌹

15/10/2010 11:40:56

Completely agree with you lapinkausangvert and I understand you completely because if I could cumulate MadWin and QuoVerbis I could have a nice prize right away while there even as I buy credits to earn more points it will still take me months maybe even in years to have the right to choose a very nice prize on each of the sites ,good day Raphi62200 and lapinkausangvert,enjoy yourself.

15/10/2010 10:21:54

Hello raphi62200, I completely agree with you but, my "problem", if there is one, is that I love Play on all DreamCentury sites, so I Recharge credits everywhere (much to the despair of my account!!!🀑d).

I was talking about economic results not for the players but for the Dream. Because if you have 3Million pts on MadWin and 5Million pts on QuoVerbis, you have a total of 8Million Points (if I account bienπŸ˜‚). So, whether you choose a prize worth 8M. of points or 2 Prizes worth 5 and 3 Million points, the monetary value remains the same for the Dream (since their calculation of points is the same according to the value of the prize). That's why I wonder why they can't accept this transfer of points that would have made us feel better (and, that would have saved us shipping costs to the Dream!!!!)

Now, I'm certainly not all understood 😢, but that's okay, I'm like you, I love playing Play the Dream and I'm account it Next Good

day to all and good luck to you raphi62200🌹

14/10/2010 19:14:47

πŸ™‹ Hello lapinkausangvert !

From an economic point of view, I'm thinking more of accumulating the maximum number of MPs on a single site and thus winning a prize a higher value in a row (Keep the MPs on each site, so you have to Play longer to get that same prize, which I understand...). But well, loyalty pays and if I have to spend more time or buy more credits, it doesn't matter, I have fun ! but as I wrote above, I would have loved this transfer system!

Good evening to you! Good games! πŸ˜‚

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