Player webmaster posted a message on 18/10 19:47 on the ZooValley Forum: Modifications on CASH CUBE: More Fun and easier access to the Cube. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Modifications on CASH CUBE: More Fun and easier access to the Cube
18/10/2010 19:47:12

Hello πŸ™‹

We have made some changes to make the game more fun and make it easier to access the Cash Cube:

* Labyrinth:
Discover the new model of the Labyrinth with :
- even more Prizes,
- a more progressive crossing that will allow you, precisely, to obtain the Prizes more easily,
- the arrival of the tray is reduced to 50 Euros instead of 200 Euros, but you will arrive more easily and more often on this Box. You can always keep your Wire or exchange it for a click in the Cash Cube.

* Cash Cube
- You now have more frequent and easier access to the Cash Cube,
- the maximum gain is reduced to 2000 Euros instead of 3000 but thanks to more frequent access to the Cube, your chances of winning the 2000 Euros are much higher!

These new features are now on the game, although some images do not indicate it yet!

Good games!
The Web'.

06/11/2010 23:10:26

Hi Web',

Thanks for your little clarification, however I was waiting for real reasons on the moderation of my post... Finally, as You say, this story is behind Us.

For my status as a POSTER TOP it is up to you to see. I would not object to Your decision.

So how are you doing? I always read you, answer your posts, but a little long to arrive. I think you suspected it!

Good luck to You and GOOD CONTINUATION! thank you again for your web response' and good luck to You too.


PS: Web' I didn't know you could be reached by MP, danke for the info.

Re fred πŸ™‹ It

's nice to read you again 😎 Even with a little delay 😑 As you've

noticed I'm fine, always in good shape 😎 Hoping that the top poster

privilege will come back to you soon πŸ‘ Isn't it web?

Amitié fred 🍸

06/11/2010 17:31:33

Hello Fred76150 and 2loup1! πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ I

answered on the principle of How it Works and the status of Top Poster of fred in another message but to answer you here in more detail here.

Fred, you haven't been rude or insulting, but when I take out a message that you post as a moderator and restart it a few hours later without evenConfirm me a private message or waiting until the next day to review it (messages rested in the middle of the night), I don't agree. 😑 Here it is, anyway, this story is behind us and the whole thing is being processed with the SC to give you the top poster! πŸ˜‰ Have a good


The Web' 🌹🌹

01/11/2010 15:20:00

Hummmm claudie ok but with a St emilion 🌹 Dear

web πŸ™‹ On what

grounds did you remove the privilege of top fred poster?

It's really BIG ANYTHING 😈 Thank

you for your answer if you can answer me 😎 Have a good

day 🎀

01/11/2010 14:44:41

A meal made with the moulinex robot

01/11/2010 14:40:07

You could have given me your printer!
Mine gave the soul back!

Hello claudie 🌹 I should

have known 😎 And what would you

have offered me? An Ipad I want to 🌹

01/11/2010 14:09:57

You could have given me your printer!
Mine gave the soul back!

01/11/2010 11:43:04



(how could we forget????) I hadn't played them yet. however, my credit card was ready, I wanted to try everything. Well, I didn't have time to use it because my 500 Coins are enough to make 1cash max which gave me 3 dice rolls. The following, you know it, 2 Prizes Box (the same one, then the famous box63). And, I even have 80 Coins left on my 500.

What more could you ask for?

This Round was a dream Round but certainly unique for me. But, I would have enjoyed it well considering my g

ainsπŸ˜‰ Thank you all again and good Monday.

πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ Re Well here


just played a little Play 525 rounds and no luck for me (the ipad is not for me) The rest won, so I exchanged them all except the 150 Wire check Wire I keep.

A little disappointed though 🀒 A

plus 🌹

01/11/2010 11:16:07

Hello πŸ™‹

small details about your posts: - there

is only one moderator on this forum so far: myself.

- concerning "censorship": the rule is always the same: freedom of expression as long as you remain calm, courteous and respectful. We understand the criticisms, the disappointments, sometimes the angers, but aggressiveness does not solve anything.... And unfortunately, there are times when things get out of hand and yes, clearly we are acting and taking responsibility for it, for the good of all. Those who claim to be "censored" are in reality censored not for what they say but on how to do it.... Any faithful reader of the forum knows very well that we let people express themselves as long as they do it calmly and correctly.

I would also like to remind you that your messages are moderated, so they are validated before being published, except when we assign you the status of "Top-Postor". In a way, this status is a privilege we grant you: it means that you are for us players in whom we have complete confidence. I do not hide from you, after reading some of the weekend messages, that I wonder about this.... And I fully accept to withdraw this status from some of them, even if it is necessarily with regret, when I consider that it is necessary to maintain the proper functioning of this forum.

I am available to answer your questions, but not under any conditions. Here it is a place of exchange and conviviality. Those who do not respect this spirit cannot expect answers from me. For these, as for everyone else, Customer Service is obviously at your disposal to answer your questions, it is its mission and its obligation. Customer Service does not leave any players unanswered and is very careful to ensure that you are satisfied. Talk to him calmly when a problem arises and you will see that everything always works out! (I would like to point out that on this holiday the Customer Service does not operate at "full capacity" so I thank you for being patient!)

Good games to all!
The Web'.

01/11/2010 10:54:44

Hello lapinkausangvert 🌹 Thank

you for your answer and I would like to congratulate you again. It was your lucky day. For me this was not the case and I doubt that I am not the only one. Anyway, it didn't ruin MadWin by giving us those 500 Coins.

Good day and good luck with your 80 Coins left to Play 🌹🌹

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