Player webmaster posted a message on 13/11 14:25 on the ZooValley Forum: Notice to All: Customer Service and You. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Notice to All: Customer Service and You
13/11/2010 14:25:50

Hello everyone ! πŸ™‹πŸ™‹

Our Customer Service response times have been exceptional for three months, as shown by all the notices that our Winners are pleased to Confirm us by post following the receipt of a prize .

However it is true that for the past week, our delays have been much longer because we are a bit overwhelmed by messages following the bugs that occurred on the sites on 09/11 πŸ€• Basically, we still need to improve our reaction times by case of a large influx of requests.

I therefore ask you all for a little extra patience and understanding: as soon as major bugs occur on MadWin , QuoVerbis , CadoVillage , MadLotto , FilFun and now MadGames, Customer Service is heavily solicited and our response times are naturally lengthened.

Not to mention that Thursday 11/11 was a holiday and that doesn't help!

Things should be back to normal as of Monday 11/22.

Good game everyone !

The Web' 🌹🌹

12/12/2014 11:14:28

Friday, it is past eleven o'clock, no reply to a message sent yesterday at 12:40 am to the sc, no customer chat since yesterday, not validated messages of yesterday on the forum, and no information transmitted on the wall πŸ™ already the holidays?

17/12/2013 10:16:07

πŸ™‹ good luck in the abundance of work, the Winners I'm sure will be patient when the others hope to win will remain... happy end of year 2013
Hello everyone ! πŸ™‹πŸ™‹

Our Customer Service response times have been exceptional for three months, as shown by all the notices that our Winners are pleased to Confirm us by post following the receipt of a prize .

However it is true that for the past week, our delays have been much longer because we are a bit overwhelmed by messages following the bugs that occurred on the sites on 09/11 πŸ€• Basically, we still need to improve our reaction times by case of a large influx of requests.

I therefore ask you all for a little extra patience and understanding: as soon as major bugs occur on MadWin , QuoVerbis , CadoVillage , MadLotto , FilFun and now MadGames, Customer Service is heavily solicited and our response times are naturally lengthened.

Not to mention that Thursday 11/11 was a holiday and that doesn't help!

Things should be back to normal as of Monday 11/22.

Good game everyone !

The Web' 🌹🌹

12/11/2013 11:51:21

Couldn't customer service allow a message to be removed when it is no longer needed? The SV would be less crowded. The credits obtained after the conversion of the madpoints are now credited to my accounts but the messages are pending.

On 13/11/2010.
Hi, JP!

This idea has been in my head for some time!
Honours to You who has been able to express it, and who is very involved! Very very very good idea, for players who want to stop requests that have become OBSOLETE!
This will make the SC even more "airy".

Congrats JP!




πŸ™‹ Hello everyone!

I totally agree. It would save everyone time! πŸ™y): Have a good


02/11/2013 05:00:13

fully agree with JPM50, it would make a good day easier

20/01/2013 16:54:10

since this morning impossible to connect me on lettrix for my free rounds .and to connect me ua customer service to inform you as advised in the message that appears

so I go through this forum hoping that the problem is soon solved

20/01/2013 11:36:12

To date, 20 01 2013, no access to the games from thehome page. Normal?

12/12/2012 03:11:27

thank you for your answer rapudeπŸ˜‚

11/12/2012 16:55:34

Hello! πŸ™‹ esteban56

: I suggest you contact Customer Service and tell them what offer you are talking about, they can check and answer you.

Good games!
The Web'.

11/12/2012 03:58:32

the credit buying brother no longer works is that normal?

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