Player martib posted a message on 17/01 00:55 on the ZooValley Forum: Testimony.. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Testimony.
17/01/2012 00:55:16

By April 2011, I had collected enough points to order the DVD Resident Evil Apocalypse. (yes yes, 04/2010!)
After almost ten months of complaints, and waiting, here is the forced outcome that the DreamCentury wants to instill in me:

"On Monday, December 19, 2011 at 12:32:35
Hello martib,
We credited your account with 500,000 points to close this problem. Of course, if it had been returned to us, we would refund all the points of the DVD, i.e. 825,000 points, but if it did not reach us (example: La Poste lost your package), we would not be able to make any further compensation.
the CadoVillage Team"

What is shocking is that after all this time, they keep hoping that I will receive it! Don't make me laugh!
As a result of all this, I have to mop up the bad faith of La dream OR the post office! 325,000 points wasted! (and in addition points acquired with some purchases of credits...)
The accusations camouflaged by beautiful formulas, a CATEGORIC refusal to reimburse me in full, but above all an obvious suspicion of my good faith; are unbearable to me!
I have been more than patient, but here I testify of my case, so that you do not fall into the same trap, and that, the Dream set up delivery controls (even for a gain that at the time was supposed to be 15 euros), or make their insurance evolve with the Post Office. As they wish, as long as it is not the players who absorb certain dysfunctions.

I think I'm not a unique case? think so, forgive me, cheer me up a little.... Even if I don't wish anyone to encounter these small problems so harmless....
This subject is open to similar cases, so that we can all judge the scope of "non-deliveries". But also to the ideas of the most intelligent people to find a solution, instead of the Dream...


PS: message saved. I am calm by nature, but I do not remain submissive.

19/01/2012 00:52:02

For my part, I am from Canada. With theHelp credit purchase also I had enough points to take me for a value of 345 euros in checks! took at least 2 good months of tapping before I was told that it would not work. When we are in Canada, they don't send cheques but rather make bank transfers...I think it's a little stupid because I could have easily exchanged the cheque here in Canada...
In short, the transfer did not work for the simple reason that in Canada we do not have an IBAN. They then proposed to replace it with an item of a little equal value to compensate (that I will sell anyway to make my Silver back...!)

Otherwise I find that these days, we earn bcp minus ! buying credit is no longer paying.
I hate the new version ofEldorado and the game of the month (we win tiny amounts of points) and the suppression ofEden and Hold Up.
before it was worth it for 50 euro of credit we could have up to 1 000 000 000...300 000 big's not worth it anymore !
I'm really disappointed !

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