Player webmaster posted a message on 20/02 11:14 on the ZooValley Forum: Internet+ payments via SFR. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players - Page 2

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Subject :  Internet+ payments via SFR
25/02/2013 09:33:53

the sfr logo always appears on your credit purchase proposals via internet+, does it work or not?

22/02/2013 19:32:41

Can we know the reason?
I appreciated this payment Mode, I find it more secure having had problems using my cb on another gaming
site too bad, I won't buy a pass anymore

22/02/2013 00:58:04


21/02/2013 12:01:29

Okay, thank you very much for answering my little message good afternoon.

21/02/2013 11:32:25


no, you don't change anything to Play with! You can of course Next Play normally by being at SFR!

Internet+ is a payment Mode that is offered to you to buy credits. It is simply this payment Mode that is no longer available via SFR.
You can buy credits with all other payment methods (SMS, credit card...etc).

And if you only Play for free, you are obviously not affected by this message at all!

Good games!

21/02/2013 11:19:24

I'm sure and SFR so if I understand this game no longer plays on the Internet SFR that's it.

20/02/2013 15:19:52

Sorry but I am not interested thank you for having cordially informed me 🙂

20/02/2013 13:23:03

🙋merci webmaster have a good day!

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