Player webmaster posted a message on 17/05 13:22 on the ZooValley Forum: New Game: CASH ISLAND !. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players
Free Games!!! Sign up and Play over 1000 Games! + More than GBP 10,600 Earnings per Week!
this is Cash Island! Face the challenges and win thousands of Prizes, including the new Renault Zoé!
Win from 10 to 100 Euros on the Wheel, and this without a malus segment! From now on, the wheel can no longer be reset! The more extinct segments there are, the closer the Loot
Become Master of the Island by collecting Masks and you will win 5% of the winnings of all Cash Island players! Great gains in store for you!
And have fun with the 5 Mini-Games with direct access to the Grid! Access the Panther Game and you can win the Renault Zoe! In addition, if you find the Zoe Box, you are guaranteed to win either the car or a Wire for 2000 Euros!