Player miguelita posted a message on 23/09 11:19 on the ZooValley Forum: SURVEY; be green? DO YOU THINK YOU CAN PREVENT THE EARTH FROM MUTATING?. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players
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FOR MY PART, I think there are researchers and they will find an antidote, for ozone, for everything, for thousands of years the earth has been moving, cities have been swallowed up, etc
The earth is in continual motion. The continents are moving, the magnetic north pole is no longer in the same place as it was 10 years ago. Even we humans are evolving. Change is not always good for everything, but often necessary. We can do by our actions to prevent more pollution, to recycle more... But change is inevitable.
I don't think "being green" is preventing the earth from mutating. Nature, the earth is quite capable of mutating on its own, and it has been doing it very well for millennia. So being green is for me, choosing not to destroy unnecessarily means respecting what the earth offers us for free, being kind to what surrounds us (humans, animals, nature) and be aware that everyone brings their stone to this building, and that there is no human superior to others. ex: the boss is not superior to the worker, each needs the other, the worker alone will not advance much, the boss alone will not be able to produce anything. everyone must therefore benefit equitably from the profits produced by the company. That's all that for me "being green" a form of ethics in his life choices.
I am not talking about the man WHO WANTS TO CONTROL, nor about empire, but about the mutation of continents, of our researchers, because I recognize that I sort waste by discipline, but not by conviction. But with each new disease, pollution must be obtained in time the antidote. According to a staff on the mutation of the human being, THEY WILL BE ANDROGINS and smarter than us because it will be the discoveries thanks to the chips of the computers; The continents have always evolved, since millennia, and progress generates pollution, certainly, but there are also brains that are looking to fight against. Currently many animals, marine mammals disappear, just like the dinosaurs and other varangas. I'm just stating my point of view and I don't want to persuade you under any circumstances. Anyway, the brain has so many drawers to open that it is unstoppable, we won't be there to see everything we can't imagine........
Man believes he is capable of mastering everything! all empires, monarchies and other systems have finally disappeared! in the face of the forces of nature, if man continues not to respect the planet, he will eventually disappear too!