Player michel176 posted a message on 16/10 10:54 on the ZooValley Forum: Pass against points. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

Scratch Ticket Mojito
Number of remaining tickets :3500 / 3500
Win GBP 1 800
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Bon Filon Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :3500 / 3500
Win GBP 175
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Sirocco Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :3000 / 3000
Win GBP 875
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Scratch Ticket Tutti Frutti
Number of remaining tickets :4383 / 9600
Win GBP 90
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Pirates Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :1500 / 1500
Win GBP 1 300
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Subject :  Pass against points
16/10/2013 10:54:42

Until recently, it was possible in the Prize Shop to exchange points for passes (1 pass for 5000 points if my memories are good).
Will this exchange be available again?
If so, when?
If not, why not?


16/10/2013 16:25:15

Hello 🙋

Unfortunately no, this Showcase should not come back for the moment.

Good games!

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