Player ceriseorange posted a message on 13/06 00:33 on the ZooValley Forum: Ephemeral life and eternal feelings Ernest PARDO. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players
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Life is an instant, O how ephemeral Shadows, illusions, hopes and chimeras Man crosses it like a meteor and only understands its vanity at the moment of his death.
Crossing in a flash, the very brief space Man disappears without a trace Carrying with him only the memories of happiness that his five deceitful
senses have brought him And even those memories that are evanescent will also disappear, under the effect of time. Thus, the life that we believe to be eternal is only a succession of weak sparks that glitter stealthily, shine and disappear and die at the very moment they are born
But beyond all, and dominate time will always remain the strength of feelings that shine a thousand times in the firmament Will remain as eternal as the diamond is