Player ceriseorange posted a message on 17/06 05:06 on the ZooValley Forum: The magic of love From Said Nouahad. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players
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Loving is a prize from heaven the most precious thing Letting oneself be carried away by the waves of unlimited love Tears of happiness that express all the words of our hearts For a being that we would love every day to animate the heart This clay heart is for us to shape it in the form of happiness Success depends on self-confidence listening to positive words By love we would be able To forget everything we become mad Forget reason listen to the beats of his heart Without asking too many questions About this infinite feeling Because it is more intense than other past days A love so powerful that love at first sight That takes us hostage It takes our heart on a boat of happiness To share a journey of long years Hoping that this love will last forever and always keep deep inside us His sweet warmth This magic of love that makes life more beautiful. From Said Nouahad