Player capricornewoman posted a message on 12/09 19:56 on the ZooValley Forum: advertisement. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  advertisement
12/09/2015 19:56:14

thank you for answering me so kindly about the ads that bothered me to Play
yes I admit that it didn't really stop me from Play
so I gladly continue lol

13/10/2015 09:44:04

Hello annenouvellet,

Advertisements must not block your access to the games. I therefore invite you to write to customer service with details of the problem (especially if you have an error message) and they will guide you through the process.

Good games!

"The Web

10/10/2015 18:09:32


I just got back from holidays (and yes I take them in September) and I notice that the layout of the games has changed and the ads take such an important place that I really have trouble Play and even sometimes the games start (so debited) and suddenly a commercial page appears blocking the game.
Does anyone have the same problem?

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