Player katyk posted a message on 16/02 00:36 on the ZooValley Forum: list madwin players having clipped on the link cut buzz. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  list madwin players having clipped on the link cut buzz
16/02/2016 00:36:43

Hello, Would

it be possible to have a list of players who clicked on our buzz cut link when we are selected at the end of the cut week?

This would allow us to thank them for their support.

Yours sincerely

18/03/2016 11:22:56

Let's hope that someone from the site reads these messages and transmits the suggestion
it's tedious to write down all the names of the clickers and we're not safe from forgetting them, a list would be really practical ( and logical)

06/03/2016 10:56:56

Yes, it would be convenient.

19/02/2016 16:14:17

Thank you jgm27. Big kisses. Have a good day and good games to you too.

18/02/2016 15:07:20


I totally agree, it''s a good suggestion 🙁y): I
take this opportunity to thank you katyk for the clicks from a previous buzz cup, as well as for the little prize after the 86 cup 😂 Have a nice

day and enjoy the games!

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