Player ceriseorange posted a message on 01/03 11:35 on the ZooValley Forum: poem of dominique sague march (the round of the months). Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players

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Subject :  poem of dominique sague march (the round of the months)
01/03/2016 11:35:14

March (the round of the months)

March, the month of the madmen,
Who amuses himself and flouts
the laws, even of nature.
One day the winter lasts
Another day the summer seems to be here.
March, a long month full of falbalas
Where nature finally wakes
up after long months of vigil.

The animals come out of their torpor
in the middle of these misleading days,
in a promising environment.
But nothing stops this naughty grumbler,
Who only does as he pleases,
And, like a star,
Announces the return of Spring,
In an orgy of colours, promising,
The blossoming of insolent life
Like a huge wave breaking.

17/03/2016 10:16:45

πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ a big THANK YOU cherry orange, you keep regaling us with poetry, I love it!!!

01/03/2016 17:49:13

Hello cherry orange,

it's very beautiful. Good evening to you and all the friends.

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