To this I add akyzum's message, which summarizes very well the bugs encountered and reported:
"akyzum Hello wall
"complainer" ............. the return
Webmaster, you had warned that during your holidays (quite legitimate) some people on call would read the wall to check for any bugs
No one from Dream reads the wall or apologizes for bugs:
Message on Julien riddle on the 1st of the month indicating that we have already helped a player 30 times ????
Post that disappear without any explanation!!!!
Same post from some repeat players!!!
Mafia stuck on a grid for 4 days!!!
No more access to the server which crashed in the middle of a Round with the obligation to reconnect with username and password so on MadWin the players for whom we vote are penalized!!!
And of course if Round not counted place in the Mega-Contest soaring!!!!
And certainly other bugs of which I am not aware...
Is it really serious?
If really, there is a "surveillance" please answer us "
3 hours ago ...
Not to mention the difficulties in voting in the buzz cup, where we must constantly empty our caches to have confirmation of our vote, without any certainty of seeing our "loyalty" Punti brought to the score of the said voted π‘
Date of message edition 12/08/2016 21:01:04