Player webmaster posted a message on 05/09 15:27 on the ZooValley Forum: BUZZ CUTTING: New rules. Answer him on ZooValley and exchange with other players
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would like to inform you that due to abuse, we have implemented new rules for the Buzz Cup that are valid as of tomorrow. The new How it Works is therefore the Next:
1/ 1 Point = 1 Connection of a MadWin Member MadWin your Link 2/
50 Points = 1 Member who has reloaded his Credits account after clicking on your Link 3/
15 Points = 1 Member registered via your link of the current Buzz Cup and who has played his free rounds of Day 4/ p
Points = 1 Member who has clicked on your link on a Day and played at least 15 free rounds that same Day.
๐Webmaster it has been a long time since we said on the wall wall a malfunction existed concerning new registrants...... Can you confirm my statements.... Wouldn't some people abuse phoney registrations to inflate their scores?...I just need answers to my questions..... Given the number of new members registered for certain cups? Do they play after.................................................Such is my question or their account remains empty of Rounds not played?......... over the next few days? Thank you for enlightening me on this subject! Have a good day at the end of the day
would like to inform you that due to abuse, we have implemented new rules for the Buzz Cup that are valid as of tomorrow. The new How it Works is therefore the Next:
1/ 1 Point = 1 Connection of a MadWin Member via your Link
2/ 50 Points = 1 Member who has reloaded his Credits account after clicking on your Link
3/ 15 Points = 1 Member registered via your link of the current Buzz Cup and who has played his free rounds of Day
4/ p Points = 1 Member who has clicked on your link on a Day and has played at least 15 free rounds on that same Day.
๐Hello webMaster, wouldn't it be possible to add the p-points on Monday in the late evening (around 11:50 for example), as they are currently lost for the participants?